A Short Biography

I was born and raised in north-central Pennsylvania where I lived for over 40 years. In 2001, my wife and I moved to Jacksonville, FL, where we lived until the fall of 2010 when we moved to western Montana. Now that I’m here,  Montana’s full. There’s no more room. 

I dropped out of high school mid-way through 11th grade and have never looked back. I do not have any formal training or education beyond that, except for short, varied classes here and there. Virtually everything I know and have learned has been self-taught, which has been something of a struggle. It seems that I learn best by experience, the hard way, and life has dealt me some pretty severe lessons, but I am still here. And still learning. And finally beginning to understand the reason why I went through what I did and what I should be doing with it. Perhaps this is what wisdom means.

My work for the last 35 years has been in construction, mostly residential. I have an interest in building websites, writing the code myself in HTML and CSS, and also do some dabbling in water color and oil paintings. And I write. I write about current events, politics, religion, philosophy, and whatever else I think will make this world a better place.  I write what I believe to be true and sometimes I have to make revisions.  Eventually, I would like to trade in my hammer and tool belt and make a decent living putting my thoughts out there for the entire world to see. Whether this happens or not does not matter. I will write anyway.

3 thoughts on “A Short Biography

  1. Roger, you continue to educate, lift up and lighten my heart. You are making a difference with all that you write. Keep it up my friend, and Thank You! Linda

  2. Good Man !

    The kind of website I have been looking for for a long time.

    Credit goes to Becky Akers for pointing me in the right direction.

  3. Thank you, John. I also credit Becky for helping me along my way. She has been an invaluable source of inspiration to me, not least because she promotes the message that we are not alone in this struggle.

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