Social Security and the Iceberg Dead Ahead

Coming–the end of the largest Ponzi scheme America (probably the world) has ever seen.

This is justice. For too long, America’s “senior citizens” have milked the system to live high on the hog while demanding that everyone younger than they support their profligate spending habits. Of course, not every single individual is guilty of this charge, but as a corporate group, it is undeniable that old people have built their future on the backs of their children who are buckling under the load.

“I’m a senior citizen AND I vote.” is the mantra and it is exercised vigorously every time an election occurs. It is a verifiable fact that old people vote far more regularly than do the younger generations and, invariably, they vote to maintain the current system even though they know that it is on the verge of collapse.

Parents of young children should be responsible for those children until they are old enough to take care of themselves. Mature children (adults) should be responsible for their aging parents until those parents leave this world through death’s door. In many cases, mature children (adults) are responsible both for young children and aging parents, which creates an immense burden on them financially, emotionally, and socially.

This is the natural way of life. It is Christian. However, we have swapped that for the Lie that submission to governmental systems, ordered by power-hungry tyrants, administered by bureaucrats, and financed by taxpayers is a much better way to live. We have given up the idea that children are a blessing from the Lord, that honor is to be given to parents, that love for those around us is to be the basis of our relationships. We have traded our birthright for a bowl of lentil soup (Genesis 25: 29-34), a mess of pottage. Or what might be called a Pot of Message.

Social Security, like every other government program conceived, birthed, and nurtured through early life into adulthood, is growing ancient and is becoming more and more decrepit and weaker every year. It has progressed beyond our capability to maintain it as a viable system and is rapidly approaching the end. At some point in the near future, it will die and all those who are dependent on it for their survival will die also.

This is justice. It is inevitable. Plan accordingly.

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