Democracy Cancelled: We Have to Save It!

It is less than eight months to the November elections in the U.S. and I am already looking forward to the day after. At least we will not be subject to non-stop posturing by candidates pleading for your vote. At least not for a few days. That is, if an election is even held at all, the cancellation of which cannot be discounted.

Given the present state of American politics, both home and abroad, and economics, it would not be unreasonable to think that something will happen between now and November 5 which would be the catalyst for the government to announce that, “An election at this time is too risky and therefore it will be postponed until a more propitious moment sometime in the future. Democracy is at stake and must be protected.” Which means that all elections in the (murky, unforeseeable) future will be held at the behest of those who are in control of the government. Which means Soviet-style on an ad-hoc basis, depending on whether it is deemed advantageous to the ruling party or not.

Ah, yes! We will have to suspend democracy for its own good. Sounds like that old saw from the Viet Nam era about destroying the village to save it.

What could precipitate such a drastic event? Look at the big picture, first.

Donald Trump is on a roll and Joe Biden is visibly sinking in the polls. If the current momentum continued, Trump would gain somewhere north of 60% of the popular vote and a huge majority of the Electoral Count. Obviously, his “enemies” are not happy about this and will do whatever they can (feverishly) to derail the juggernaut. Assassination is not out of the question, although if this happened, the mood of his disciples would turn downright ugly and the tension would ratchet up steeply. As in hockey stick style with no discernible end to the destruction sure to follow.

The American economy is running on fumes and fraudulent finances. The debt added by the Federal government has reached $1 trillion every 100 days, which means that, at the current rate, almost $2.5 trillion in new debt will be incurred by the date of the election in November. Inflation, despite continual reassurances, is not under control as anyone of modest means could tell you after a trip to the grocery store. Commercial real estate is taking a nose-dive and many banks which are exposed to this will probably go belly-up and be absorbed by the Too Big To Fail mega-banks, which will probably be taken over by The Bank, i.e., the Federal Reserve in a desperate attempt to keep things together. A financial crisis many times greater than the one which occurred in 2008 could certainly happen at any time and would, almost certainly, cause the “authorities” to take drastic measures.

America foreign policy is on the ropes, as can be seen in the debacle in Ukraine and the mass genocide of the Palestinians by the state of Israel. War clouds in Europe and the Middle East are growing darker by the day and there seems to be little effort to tone down the rhetoric in official circles. All the while, the West (US and its minions) are being shoved to the side by the rest of the world as it goes about conducting business.

As to the election, all that it would take to put this on hold would be for something, anything, to happen which the ruling authorities could use to justify a complete power grab. It does not matter what the event is as long as it can be pitched to persuade the American electorate of the necessity. The crisis is all that counts, or, as Rahm Emmanuel advised years ago, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Since the average person cooperates with the “dictates from on high” and has been conditioned to go along with “our” government, it is almost 100% certain that, while there may be some grumbling and complaining, nothing of real substance will be done to counteract or invalidate the pronouncement.

Now, as to when, where, and how this happens is beyond my ability to know. Speculation is useless and a waste of valuable time. I do know that something momentous is going to happen. I do know that things (the situation on the ground, the status quo) are going to change drastically and dramatically. I do know that I am going to do my best to simply ride the wave until it crashes, hoping to keep my head above water, and pick up the pieces when it crashes.

As I am certain it will.

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